Thursday, January 03, 2008

Photo Friday

Christmas with friends, 2004
(click on image to enlarge)
I spent Christmas with these girls again this year, but this pic is from (I think) 2004.
We've been friends since the early 80's.
They're more family than anything else.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

How lovely!
My hair was waist length. Hubby cut it for me- just a hand length off. I didn't trust a hair dresser to do only that. It was then a lot lighter in weight and enough of a change for me. I'm not one for fiddling with my hair so all one length in a plait so it doesn't get in the way, is ideal for me.

Perhaps look at how much time you want to spend on your hair and what the style would entail in terms of maintenence and products? Do what feels right for you.

11:28 AM  

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