Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ramblings between coughing

Craft wise, well, I got nothin'.
I've been sick all week.
I still had to train a new girl at work.
I hope she doesn't replace me (I'm only labeled back-up).
That doesn't reflect my work performance.
All I want to do is sleep.
I read three books this week and finished a fourth.
So far.
I should have done it out in this beautiful sunshine.
But I sleep then.
It's a waste.

I am about to miss the third deadline on a magazine article.
The editor is amazingly understanding.
Self doubt immobilizes me.
I am a deer in the gun sight.
Unfinished projects threaten to squish me like Godzilla.
I am overwhelmed.


Blogger Claudia said...

Dear Barb,

Sounds like a bad case of hibernation blues mixed with a cold?
Hang on, cheer up, see you better
soon! We're here with you!

Best wishes,

11:59 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

Breathe deep and relax! I can "read" the stress in your post.

9:26 AM  
Blogger carrster said...

Oh no! Hang in there - you're so very talented you just have a lot on your plate right now. I don't know how you work but lists work for me (even the most mundane things) - if I see things crossed off then I start to feel better.

Hope you're feeling better very soon!!!!
Hugs from Minnesota

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Barb. Get a grip!

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Allow me to go all Cher/'Moonstruck' on you:


"Snap outta it!"

Actually, it can be quite irresistible to pile woe upon woe - just to see how awful things can really get. But things aren't that bad - there's nothing wrong about finishing 3 books, inside or outside. And the final four lines of your post sort of scan like a poem. See? Even at your lowest, you can't help but be creative!

12:44 AM  

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