Monday, October 24, 2005

Confessions of a Packrat

I have some fabric somewhere that I tie-dyed once upon a time in a textiles class. It was dyed using red onion skins and boiling water atop my stove, and I think I heat set it with a salt solution and my iron...if I remember correctly. The fabric would work perfectly for this month's Tie One On theme, but I can't find it anywhere. I have some stuff stashed in a metal shed in my mom's back yard, so I ventured out there to see if it might be in there. I haven't gone through everything yet, but I did find two musty old boxes of sewing patterns that I forgot I had. As if I need any more patterns, yet still I look at which ones might be on sale at Jo-Anns each week. Pathetic. I have several hundred patterns--too many to ever make in more than one lifetime. But they are still fun and inspiring, like this number from 1969 that might be a perfect I Dream of Jeannie costume for Halloween (yeah right, like I could ever fit into a 34 bust, lol. Maybe in 6th grade!).

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I struggle with pack rat burdens...hoarding more and more material shit to replace some empty part of my soul. I can barely put gas in my car some days, but heaven forbid I not purchase that apron on ebay to go along with the hundreds of other patterns that will never be made. Why? I can barely open my storage shed (and that one I pay for--it's in addition to the backyard shed and half of my mom's garage)...ever buying and saving stuff for the day I'll finally have the perfect home or whatever. Always for some nonexistant time in the future versus right now. So there's your daily dose of psycho-babble. Too, it's amazing how a competitive streak emerges when I'm on ebay. I scream at the computer screen if I'm outbid, "I don't 2#&*%a! think so!" I say. I have spent ridiculous quantites of cash that could have gone toward a new cell phone or computer or to pay my car insurance...because I have got to win this race. It's odd being so introspective right now, because I pull myself up and away and look upon my life as if it were a film reel, or as if I were already dead. It's easier to analyze this way, but it's odd.

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Also in the shed... this jacket pattern, from 1992, that is every bit in style again today (I think I may actually make it finally).

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And this adorable set of Puppy Days of the Week embroidery transfers, that may have been my grandmother's. Inside there are no directions, but there are transfers for an additional set of Days of the Week, with puppies and kitties. I love the nostalgic innocence of these.

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Ah, and speaking of is a recent purchase. Look at that lambie bag! This pattern is dated 1942! I am all of a sudden fascinated with pajama bags. This one is for a bottle, but it could be a pajama bag. I can see it done in baby blue or yellow minkee fabric. Or maybe a chenille.Would that I had kids of my own to sew for, but that is not the case, so my friends get stuff (if I can ever finish anything). This is an idea for Christmas, along with about a million other ideas and partially finished projects I already have going.

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And I just got this to-die-for apron pattern. My friend Brandie has requested that I make her an apron, so I have decided to use either this pattern or another one very similar. I'm also using at least three different fabrics in it--one for the body, one for the sash and straps, and another for the pockets and a trim. I may add pink bias tape. She's a tiny little thing, so it is going to look adorable on her. This appears to be a mail order pattern, but I don't see a date anywhere. The fabrics I got on ebay too. My problem with gift-giving is that I get my mind set on the "perfect" thing, and then I seek out stuff that tends to be way over my budget. A lot of thought goes into what I give though. I'll post a pic of the finished apron after I give it to Brandie. Just in case she reads my blog, I don't want to give away anymore secrets!


Blogger Susie Sunshine said...

Confessions of a wannabe sewer: I buy the patterns in hopes of one day having the ability to make the item.
That's really sad (or incredibly optimistic!)

I LOVE THE APRON. I have a thing for aprons.

8:27 AM  
Blogger Balwearie said...

Love the Jeanie outfit, but I think that would look much better on one of my dolls than myself. Just not tall enough.... Glad to see you blogging in full force again!

4:54 AM  
Blogger Gina E. said...

Oh eBay, it will be the downfall of me one day, I can see it coming. Both financially and emotionally... who is that b------ that outbid me? How dare they!

7:14 AM  
Blogger foxglove said...

hello, I know this is rather an old post so you might not remember, but that apron is great, do you still have the pattern and know who its made by? Id like to get one myself

3:00 PM  

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