Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My new project

I have knitting club on Wednesday nights.
I'm still learning--I haven't even finished my first scarf yet.
But I started a new project tonight anyway.
knitting with twine

That's not yellow yarn--it's nylon twine that I bought at Harbor Freight.

I'm knitting tube-like lengths, then three lengths will be braided together.
Have you guessed what it will be?

A dog chew toy!

I found the idea/pattern in the book
Knitting for Dogs, by Kristi Porter.

I'm not sure if any toys will be completed in time for Christmas gifts, but they'll definitely be "just because" gifts later.
I also bought some glow-in-the-dark polypropylene rope, but now I'm wondering if maybe there could possibly be a chemical in what makes it glow, that might be hazardous to the dogs?
I need to investigate further before I use it.
I think I'll try making a toy with thick hemp cording also.

I still have so many sewing projects to finish too.
It's so nice that this semester of classes is over.
I only had two classes, but they were really taxing on me.
So much so, that I'm completely stumped on gift ideas for my three closest friends.
Usually I have ideas months in advance, and everything is super personalized.
This year...nothin'.
I think all that planning for debs' party, and then the brain was on overdrive, and now my batteries need to be recharged.



Blogger Jennifer said...

Cool idea with the dog chew-toy! I think hemp would be great. Chemical-free and very durable.
Thanks for the inspiration.

5:08 AM  

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