Sunday, May 21, 2006

Blogging Help

Can anyone tell me how to add permalinks to each of my posts? I've tried to read through the blogger forum, and I don't get it.
And how do those of you on blogger versus typepad add categories to your blogs?
Thank you.


Blogger Unknown said...

Two other ways of getting the individual URL for a post is go to the listing on the side bar and right click on the title of the post and the URL will come up. Alternatively, get up Create Posts and all your posts will be listed. Right click on view and you can get the URL.

Categories are one of the great omissions from blogger: in fact a blogger bugger. I have written to them re this. But I figure that they know - how could they not since wordpress and typepad and many others have categories. I hope the boys from blogger read this. What I have done (had seen others do it) for my food blog and hope eventually to do for my other blogs is to set up a companion blog which is an index(see Food from Oz at and The Oz Tucker Index at . Now this is time consuming because it is not automatic. You have to deliberately go it to add. However, you need not do this every day. You could do it once a week, or once your posts are archived and no longer on sidebar view by title.

I can understand, with your diverse interests and postings, why you would welcome Categories. An index would help us who frequent your blog to refer back more easily to your posts.

Thanks for a beaut blog, Barb. I do enjoy it.

2:21 PM  
Blogger Crafty P said...

As someone who switched from typepad to blogger- I hear your woe about the categories thing.

In fact, I had to learn a lot about html and all that fancy shmancy stuff when I made the switch a few weeks back. I'm still learning.

Now, do you have a fave blog on blogger that has categories? My suggestion would be to go there and then once you're there, go to the top of your computer screen and go to VIEW, then click on PAGE SOURCE. This enables you to see the html code for ANY webpage. Isn't that cool? I just learned that last week. So, I've been going to some of my faves and trying to figure things out from there.

Still can't put more pictures in my sidebar, but I'll figure that out eventually.

Love what I learned here about permalinks today. Was always wonderin' about that.

5:22 PM  

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