Thursday, May 25, 2006

Rambling thoughts and lazy beach days

I had a camera with me, and I wanted to take photos...but I was too shy. The images would have been so interesting too--glimpses into a pocket of life. Bustling and movement and color. Evidence of the character of a place. But I couldn't do it. When I first started college, I took some black-and-white photography classes, and the instructor was old school. We learned Ansel Adams' techniques. And we learned about etiquette. About asking for permission. In my instructor's opinion, photos of people should only be taken with permission. That's all well and good, except now I tend to only photograph animals or inanimate objects. My photos of people are posed. And you lose something sometimes when you lose the spontaneity.

I'm house-sitting in Ocean Beach right now, in a little one bedroom house that I love. I stay all over the city, and some places feel okay, some places are uncomfortable, some places are a second home, and some places I just thrive in. I love this place because I just always FEEL better here. Parrots squawk early evening, birds roost in the trees, and the garden is so full of flowers it seems fairies should dwell here.

I usually work Wednesday nights, but I was lucky enough to score last night off, so I went to the local Farmer's Market. This market starts at 4pm and goes into the evening. This is what I wish I had pictures of--the life, the character of the place and the people. I bought apricots that were the sweetest I've ever tasted. Maybe I was more observant because I was thinking of my camera. Or maybe I was just so happy to be there, tasting homemade jams and cookies, watching guys carrying skateboards and one particularly intersting pair of shorts featuring a face on each leg.
Other sights:
so many buckets filled with fresh flowers
tables of organic fruits and veggies, including fun things like zucchini blossoms (must learn how to cook with these)
couples with dread locks walking dogs
puppies everywhere (OB is very dog-friendly. After all, they're the ones with Dog Beach)
tattoos everywhere
corners and niches filled with impromtu musicians, trying to make a dime
one amazing band with a violinist, a cellist, and a guy on the accordian.
Kettle corn popping
two hippies seated on the corner, wrapping sage. Best thing next to the parking lot vendors before Dead shows. God I miss those.

Another really great thing about this neighborhood is they have a program where you can leave unwanted items in the alleys. It is the coolest thing ever. I picked up four garden ornaments (cracked but still useable, especially considering I mosaic), and a tall metal garden shelf for my mom. I drove out to my mom's house to unload the shelf, and locked my keys in my car. WITH the spare set! DOH! So much for a free shelf--the locksmith was $50. It would have been one thing had the guy showed up with a slim jim or something, but I swear all he had was like a coat hanger. I'm thinking, well I could have done THAT. Oh well.

Because I'm not home, I won't be able to post a photo this Friday. I will try to post later, if I can get my computer to work again. It's back to its old tricks. I might have to opt for credit with Dell. We'll see...

After the Farmer's Market, it was still light enough outside (I love Daylight Savings Time) to take the four dogs to the beach for sunset.
That in itself was magical.
I was home early enough to still catch most of American Idol. Pretty good overall, and both finalists were winners in my book. But can you believe Clay Aiken?! He's so cute now! What a metamorphisis! Kind of gives a girl hope (for blooming, I mean).

My last night here, so I guess I'll enjoy the moments. Maybe I'll fill up the bath and use these mango bath crystals they left for me...
ah, this is what I'm talkin' about!


Blogger Suesjoy said...

Lovely post Barb!
Wonderful imagery - now I'm really homesick.
OB is great, isn't it?
My kinda place.
You're a Deadhead? You must check out Justin Kreutzmann's blog:
You probably know that his dad was one of the Dead's drummers...
Enjoy your stay in OB.
Mango bath crystals here you come!

4:36 AM  
Blogger Carmen said...

Hi Barb! You don't need a camera when you describe things like that! I can picture that interesting market, I love those kinds of places ;)
Enjoy the beach! I wish I was closer to the sea!

1:19 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

I am a very good computer fixer. Describe the problems to me.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Oh boo. Sorry about your computer, hope it gets fixed real soon. I just loved reading this post. I love OB and I love Dog Beach. Back when we were building our boat my(ex)husband and I docked our boat on Shelter Island. We had 2 dogs, Joli and Cole. Every morning rain or shine I brought them to Dog Beach. It was heaven for them. I'm so glad it's still there.I don't believe they had the farmers market back then. I'm anxiously awaiting the opening of our local one, but it is nothing like yours. I bought apricots today too!

9:41 PM  

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