Photo Friday

(click on photo to enlarge)
My mom dominates this photo--she's the beautiful one seated on the right, with her coat draped on the chair. She was, and still is, a tiny little thing. The group was a sorority just to get together, versus associated with a university. My mom never even graduated from high school. She got married at 17 instead. That's what people did then. She is, however, one of the smartest people I know. I haven't asked her the year this was taken, but I'm assuming she was in her 20's which places this in the mid to late 40's.
More photo goodness on Andrea's blog.
Love those old black and whites! Your mom is lovely.
oh yes, you're right-- the eyes are drawn right to her!
Your mother's heart-shaped face dominates the picture. But next, my eyes were drawn to the painting on the left, which looks like Duchamp's 'Nude Descending A Staircase'. Next to a painting of a clipper ship???
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