Saturday, November 01, 2008

Wow, how fun is that?!

I love to watch cooking shows that are aired Saturdays on my local PBS station.
The shows change every few weeks as episodes rotate.
Right now, there is a Scandinavian show on called Perfect Day.

Last week, the episode was in Finland, and the host was talking while presumably seated on a cute retro-style bicycle with a big basket on the front.
Then, when the shot zoomed out, it showed that she wasn't seated on a bicycle seat, because there was no seat.
Instead of a seat and pedals, there was a flat platform like on a skateboard or scooter.
Oh my gosh, what is that?

I investigated online, and found several companies.
None of these, however, seems to be the retro style I remember her riding.
So I have a letter into the show to see if they can provide me with the name of the brand the host had.
But these give some idea.

Kickbike (or in the USA)

Sidewalker (in the USA)
This may be the one she was riding, as this is the only model I found with a full size back tire



Belize Bicycles have something they call Dog Scooters

(Or there are contraptions that are actually dog powered, at Dog Powered Scooter)
I'm not so sure the doggie ones are ethical,as it might require them overworking or getting overheated. But I don't know. I just thought I'd show them to you.

These scooter/bike combos seem like fun.
Evidently these are popular in Europe, but few Americans have seen them.
For me, they bring back warm-fuzzy childhood memories of wooden scooters my grandpa used to make.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I think I would feel like Boudicca with my 3 hounds pulling my chariot!

How's the room coming along?

8:06 PM  
Blogger Queenly Things said...

One of the kids here at school has one of the dog skateboiards. Looks like a blast!!1

2:10 PM  

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